Monday, September 10, 2012

restoring full dental function

Cosmetic Dentist Bringing Beautiful Healthy Smiles to the Forefront

A cosmetic dentist has a vital role to play in changing lives of people who have oral birth defects or who have lost teeth through trauma and neglect. The mouth and teeth are possibly the first noted feature and most commented on whether in a complementary or derogatory manner. Reconstructions, restoring full dental function, correcting and beautifying teeth and facial features are all being addressed on a daily basis with great success.
Of the many procedures that are performed by these dentists the tooth whitening process is probably the most popular. The results achieved by this process are immediate and after the first visit one is left with white teeth that look and feel healthier and a dazzling smile. A 3D software package plots the teeth and how they need to be straightened and this information is sent to technicians who make up a series of aligners that one will use throughout the process. Titanium has unique properties that enable it to bond successfully with living bone and once the area has melded the root is totally secure. The mouth and teeth are possibly the first noted feature and most commented on whether in a complementary or derogatory manner. Full dental function is extremely important to one's overall general health, well being and self-esteem.
The advances that have been achieved over the last two decades in this field of dentistry are amazing and there is little that these practitioners are not able to do. Reconstructions, restoring full dental function, correcting and beautifying teeth and facial features are all being addressed on a daily basis with great success.
Of the many procedures that are performed by these dentists the tooth whitening process is probably the most popular. The results achieved by this process are immediate and after the first visit one is left with white teeth that look and feel healthier and a dazzling smile. In between regular visits a person now has the option of using a whitening touch-up kit that is available from one's dentist.
Very few people are born with symmetrical straight and even teeth and nowadays there are various routes that cosmetic dentists may use to help one to achieve this. Porcelain veneers to cover chipped and stained teeth and give an even tooth line are now being used extensively.
Wire braces are still used to straighten teeth but new invisible aligners that are custom made for each patient may soon replace them. A 3D software package plots the teeth and how they need to be straightened and this information is sent to technicians who make up a series of aligners that one will use throughout the process. They are comfortable to wear and need only to be removed when eating, drinking and cleaning teeth.
Gaps of missing teeth in the mouth caused by neglect or trauma are inclined to age a face and leave a person looking haggard and could well lead to skeletal instability. These can now be fixed in a permanent manner using implants which if looked after have the potential to last one a life time.
This method uses cutting edge technology to implant a titanium artificial root into the jaw bone. Titanium has unique properties that enable it to bond successfully with living bone and once the area has melded the root is totally secure. A post which has been treated with zirconium to give a natural translucency to match a person's own teeth is screwed into the root and a crown made of ceramic compound is cemented onto the post.
Implants are tooth saving as they stand alone and in this manner one tooth or a set of teeth can be replaced.

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